Industrial Hygiene
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Industrial Hygiene
Provide comprehensive solutions on ensuring occupational exposures to Chemical, Noise, Heat Stress cum Strain, Industrial Ergonomics risks are recognized, evaluated and controlled to protect employees, contractors and visitors of an organization so as to reduce its potential health risks and future liabilities.
Industrial Hygiene Assessment at work place
Industrial Hygiene Qualitative Exposure Assessment
- Documented, systematic evaluation and relative risk ranking of employee exposure to hazardous agents such as Chemical, Noise, Heat Stress, Industrial Ergonomics on manual material handling
- Provide recommendation for Industrial Hygiene Qualitative Assessment to ensure with applicable client, local government and industry best occupational health exposure standards
Industrial Hygiene Quantitative Exposure Assessment
- Industrial Hygiene Personal and Area chemical sampling based on available local / NIOSH / OSHA standards
- Noise dosimetry with local and international exchange rates (OSHA PEL, OSHA HC, ACGIH OEL)
- Heat Stress and Strain based on applicable local regulations / ACGIH guidelines
- Industrial Ergonomics on manual material handling risks associated with lifting or lowering tasks using modified NIOSH lifting equation
Statistical Data Interpretation of Occupational Exposure
- Determine group of sample data for overall compliance with the threshold value using “Upper Tolerance Limit” approach
- UTL95%,95% if less than threshold value, overall exposure may be judged as “Acceptable”
Exposure Control Plan
- Assist in developing “Exposure Control Plan” which would include specific tasks for maintaining or reducing exposure by engineering controls, verification on methods of controls, work practices, PPE, medical surveillance and training.
Industrial Hygiene Programs
- Assist in developing “Exposure Control Plan” which would include specific tasks for maintaining or reducing exposure by engineering controls, verification on methods of controls, work practices, PPE, medical surveillance and training.
Occupational Hygiene Program
- Design and assist in developing site-specific Occupational Hygiene Program
- Program includes Anticipate, Recognize, Evaluate and Control exposures
- Quantitative and Qualitative exposure assessment
- Documentation of exposure assessment results
- Medical surveillance
- Engineering control plan
- Program evaluation
Respiratory Protection Program
- Design and assist in developing site-specific Respiratory Protection Program
- Respiratory Hazard determination
- Selection of respirators
- Medical evaluation and fit testing
- Maintenance, storage, inspection and care of respirators
- Training and retraining
- Record maintenance and retention
- Program evaluation
Heat Stress and Strain Prevention Program
- Design and assist in developing site task specific program based on local / International guideline (ACGIH)
- Program based on WBGT / Heat Index management
- Screening level assessment
- Detailed assessment including metabolic and physiologic assessments
- Control plan
- Program evaluation
Industrial Hygiene Engineering Control Validation
- Local Exhaust System Capture Velocity Validation
- Chemical Fume Hood Face Velocity Validation