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Project Safety Solutions

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Project Safety Solutions

Our company specializes in performing Project, Health, Safety & Environment Reviews (PHSER) to ensure that HSE-sensitive areas are identified in a systematic manner and that appropriate measures are put in place to control and manage the associated risks. Our team consists of experts from various disciplines, including process, maintenance, and safety, with extensive project experience. We create detailed and tailored documents that promote safety at different stages of the project, such as the Appraise Stage, Select Stage, Pre- sanction Stage, Pre-construction Stage, Construction Stage, Pre-startup Stage (prior to introducing hazardous materials), and Operate Stage. These documents are designed to support the project and control teams, aligning with the guidelines provided by organizations like BP (ETP GP48-1) and KOC (Procedure for Project HSE Review). The resulting document will be user- friendly and effective for implementation.

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